Why Container Gardens Are Beautiful AND Practical


So what's the big deal about container gardening anyway and why do we love it? Three words: INSTANT CURB APPEAL.

Container gardening is an easy, inexpensive way to create an attractive, welcoming first impression for your home or business. Custom container gardens that match your style and personality will wow your friends and customers, offer beauty and add a pop of color. We all know the old saying: you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. 

Container gardens not only add charm and improve curb appeal, they can also serve the purpose of adding privacy, creating a focal point or covering up an eyesore. For example, restaurants with outdoor patios could use container gardens to create a lush and inviting environment and buffer their guests from sidewalk traffic or the view of a parking lot.

An outdoor planter can also make a stunning focal point if you have the right place in your garden or yard to place it. Our parents have a concrete birdbath filled with plants in the middle of their kitchen garden and it is a perfect focal point for the space. Do you have pool equipment you need to hide? Add a grouping of large planters in front of it - what lovely camouflage!

Beautiful and practical…yes, please!
